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Meeting-ID: 767 8718 9369
Kenncode: s83gWp

Member for Members with Fiamma Rupp: Child protection in armed conflict
Join us for this Member for Members event on this interesting and more than up-to-date topic on child protection in an armed conflict.
Fiamma is a child protection specialist, currently working for UNICEF South Sudan.
Fiamma has been working at UNICEF especially for children associated with armed forces and armed groups: From monitoring and reporting to the Security Council on the six grave violation against children in armed conflict, negotiating with governments and armed groups, to reintegrating children into their families and communities. Looking at the cases of Afghanistan and South Sudan, Fiamma will talk about how we can help children when their country struggles from one crisis to another, when their families living in poverty try to make ends meet in midst of armed conflict.
Please note that the speech (about 20 minutes) and discussion afterwards will be in English. You have the opportunity to ask your questions - live in the stream or in advance via email
There is, however, no need to register. You can paste the link into your browser, download or activate the Zoom client, and enter the Kenncode to join the meeting.
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Meeting-ID: 767 8718 9369
Kenncode: s83gWp