TITANIC Gendarmenmarkt, Französische Straße 30, 10117 Berlin
The schedule for the event will be as follows:
6:30pm – 7:00pm Reception – welcome drinks & finger food
7:00pm – 7:15pm Welcome remarks
7:15pm – 9:00pm Panel discussion/Q&A
9:00pm - 10:00pm Networking
We offer a complimentary glass of sparkling wine or non-alcoholic drink and serve finger food. A selection of drinks will be available (not included in the dinner price).

Harvard Energy Chat – "Turning Point Energiewende"
Join us at our inaugural Harvard Energy Chat!
At our informal panel discussion titled “Turning Point Energiewende”, we will discuss burning questions surrounding the Energiewende, such as:
► What were the Energiewende’s achievements? Its failures?
► What should be the next steps?
► Is it a German issue, a European one, or a global one?
► What role should each actor – industry, grid & market operator, research, policy-maker, startup, etc. – play in it?
After the panel discussion, you will be given the chance to pose questions to the panelists. We are aiming for a panel of diverse leaders and thinkers to cover the perspectives of industry, grid & market operator, research, policy-maker, and startup to reflect the complex and inter-dependent nature of the Energiewende.
Confirmed panelists include
- Stefan Kapferer, Chairperson of the Executive board & Member of the Steering committee at BDEW (German energy and water industry association) & Member of the Coal commission Germany
- Barbara Lempp, Secretary-General at European Federation of Energy Traders - Deutschland
- Roland Roesch, Deputy Director at IRENA (International Renewable Energy Agency) Innovation and Technology Center
- Dr. Urban Rid, Head of Department III, Energy policy Electricity and Grids at German Ministry of the Economy (BMWi) & Harvard graduate
- Pietro Rabassi, Director Central European Markets at Nord Pool & Harvard graduate (he will also be the moderator)
- Dr. Pieter Schipper, Senior Vice President, Continental Energy & Market Access at Statkraft GmbH
- Jochen Schwill, CEO at Next Kraftwerke
- Philipp Pausder, CEO at Thermondo
- Christian Bogatu, CEO at Fresh Energy
The event will be conducted in English.
Ticket price for members (and spouses): 15 €
Ticket price for non-members: 20 €
If you would like to register for this event, we offer you the following options:
Register via Paypal, Eventbrite or bank transfer:
Account owner: Harvard University Alumni Club of Berlin e.V.
IBAN: DE33 1007 0848 0036 7532 00
Reference: your name & Energy chat